Will You Be Successful? How to Know for Sure!

Will You Be Successful?

Do you suffer from lack of confidence, fear of failure, or low self-esteem? Do you ask the question: will you be successful at anything, ever?

If so, this message is for you.

Most people don’t know this: Success is available to anyone and everyone … all it takes is the proper mindset.

It’s a Mind Set Thing

If you don’t deal with this mindset problem, you’ll never experience the confidence you need to gauge true success. And people will turn away from you. They can smell failure miles away — like a dead cat. The odor lingers on your clothes and follows you everywhere you go.

And if you pretend it doesn’t exist, things just get worse. Most people who feel like failures try to work harder to compensate for their perceived inadequacies. And when that doesn’t work, they blame others, seek validation elsewhere, or give up all together.

These things do nothing to get to the root of the problem. I know because I’ve been there myself.

When my website wasn’t getting enough traffic,  bringing in enough money, or getting the praise that I knew it deserved, I’d get so frustrated that I would cry. If someone asked me: Will you be successful? I’d have replied with a big fat NO.

Something Had to Change

That’s when I asked for help.

You might be surprised where my help came from.

I was sitting on my favorite oversized chair, staring out the window at the geese fighting, when I journaled this prayer:  Lord, help me gauge my success in YOUR terms, not mine.

The Answer Surprised Me

What happened next shocked me. My mind started going through the 10 rules for living that God has given to make life better for the whole human race. I was on to something.

I quickly wrote them down in a question form and added a check box next to each one. The lightbulb went off in my brain and I knew I had discovered the secret to TRUE SUCCESS. I had discovered a way to gauge my life and determine the truth about whether I was a failure or not.

And now I’m going to share the 10 questions with you so you no longer have to ask: Will You Be Successful? Because you’ll know for sure. You’ll have a true gauge.

10 Gauges of True Success:

  1. Was God first in your life today?
  2. Did you let something turn you away from loving God?
  3. Was your speech kind toward God and others?
  4. Did you get proper rest?
  5. Did you honor those in authority over you?
  6. Were you loving your neighbor as yourself?
  7. Did you keep your thoughts pure?
  8. We’re you a good steward with your resources and the resources of others (time, money, and things)?
  9. Did you speak the truth in love?
  10. Did you desire or go after something that was not rightfully yours?

The right answer to these questions is the measure of true success. God’s not expecting perfection here; He knows we are human. He’s just looking for those who will love Him the way He has asked.

And there is even better news; if you failed the test of true success, don’t fear. Because there is an 11th gauge of success that trumps the ten.

11 Did you ask God for forgiveness in your failings?

If you messed up on 1-10, but got number 11 correct: you had a successful day.

Success Summed Up

The true measure of success can be summed up in the two greatest commandments: Love God and love your neighbor.

So the next time you contemplate: will you be successful? you can get out your checklist. Then you will be able to have the correct mindset to answer the question truthfully and with a confident: YES!