5 Superpowers that Turn Failure into Success

Fear of Failure Is the Villain

Almost all aspiring bloggers, entrepreneurs, copywriters, and creatives have one thing in common: fear of failure. If you struggle with fear of failure, you can turn that failure into success. And it’s really not that hard — in fact it is easy. I know, because I have been able to turn failure into success myself by practicing these five superpower techniques.

Fear inspires two options: quit or overcome. You don’t want to be a quitter; you want to be an over-comer. Yes! You can turn failure into success too — and overcome the evil villain.

These five attitudes have the power to turn every failure into a success. What you now call “failure” will be identified for what it really is: the magic cape that will take you where you want to go. These five “realities” will help you leave the pain of failure behind and fly into true success so you can have the power and confidence to fulfill your God given purpose.

Don’t see failure as failure, see it as an opportunity to:

  1. Learn — every time something goes wrong or doesn’t work out as you expect, you are given an opportunity to learn by what went wrong. This will help you do better next time. No superhero catches the villain the first try. But with each attempt, they learn what works and what doesn’t work.
  2. Leverage Change — did you make a blunder? See it as an opportunity to redirect your course. Keep seeking your goal and eventually you will hit your target. The very thing you thought was a failure could be what opens the door to your greatest success.
  3. Laugh — sometimes we have to laugh at our mistakes. The sooner we laugh over them, the sooner we can move on. Don’t weigh yourself down with past failures. Laugh, learn, and use the failure to leverage change.
  4. Labor — they say practice makes perfect. Rather, practice makes permanent. Every failure is an opportunity to practice your techniques, casting aside the bad and holding on to the good. Even Superman had to learn how to fly.
  5. Live — embrace failure: it is a necessary part of life. It ain’t going away anytime soon. In fact, failure is actually the road to success. Live knowing that some form of failure will come your way each day: expect it. But know you have the superpower to call it something else: a learning experience,  leverage to change, something to laugh about, and a labor of love.

Embrace these five principles and you will control your ability to turn failure into success — every time.

As Thomas Edison said after 1000 unsuccessful attempts perfecting the lightbulb: “I did not fail 1000 times, I found a 1000 ways it wouldn’t work.”

These five superpower attitudes are inspired and adapted from Tom Hopkins’ book How to Master the Art of SellingI highly recommend it.