Top 3 Easy Freelance Writing Niches that Pay Big

Freelance Writing Niches

Are you a writer trying to break into the freelance space with some big profits? If so, you’ve got to check out these 3 freelance writing niches. The skills are simple to learn — in fact almost everything you need to know can be found online. If you’re ready to break into a lucrative writing career, start with one of these top three options.

You might be wondering if you really can make a living wage as a freelance writer. It’s a common question: how much do freelance writers make?

How Much Do Freelance Writers Make?

Freelance writing pay will vary based on Continue reading “Top 3 Easy Freelance Writing Niches that Pay Big”

What Are The Least of The Commandments?

Least of the Commandments


I’m setting out to study God’s Law because I trust Jesus when He said that He didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. 

Jesus also stated that not a jot or tittle would pass away from the Law until everything is accomplished. I understand this to refer to His physical return. 

In His same sermon, Christ warned that those who teach others to ignore the least of the commandments of God would be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, and those who are careful to observe the least of these will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. See Matthew 5:17-19.

So which laws are the least of God’s Commandments?

The answer to this question varies from church to church and denomination to denomination. Some say there are no commandments at all, merely “suggestions.” Others teach a three-fold nature to the law: Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral — and claim we are only obligated to keep the moral.

We know decisively that the sacrificial elements of the Ceremonial Laws are no longer necessary because Christ is the final sacrifice. Now, when we need forgiveness for sins, we don’t have to slay an animal. Rather, we look to Christ, the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world. 

How do we know which laws are valid today?

But how do we know precisely which laws are ceremonial? And which laws are civil? If they are valid? And if they’re the “least” of these commandments? Or is Jesus merely talking about the 10 Commandments?

More often than not, ministers and lay people alike, seek to understand these laws in such a way that they can choose which laws to ignore. They draw heavily upon the New Testament for support. But preachers often contradict each other, usually in an attempt to do the very thing that Jesus warned against in Matthew 5 — to ignore and teach others to ignore the least of these commandments.

I’ve never yet found a church where the preacher warned his parishioners to practice and keep the least of God’s commandments — nor to help them identify what the least of these commandments are. 

I don’t claim to have the answer to these questions — which is why I am studying God’s Law to see if I can come to a greater understanding. I certainly don’t want to be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven.

My two main textbooks will be the Holy Bible and the Institutes of Biblical Law by R.J. Rushdoony under the tutelage of Andrea Scwartz of the Kingdom Driven Family.

As I continue to study, I will share my thoughts here as the Lord allows me.

Are you excited about studying the Law of God? Reach out to me and I will help you enroll in a FREE program.

Curious about what else the Bible says about God’s Law?

Check Out:

My Favorite Bible Verses About the Commandments


Is Print Advertising Dead? I Don’t Think So!

Print Advertising Is More Credible Than Digital, According to Survey

While some Internet sources claim that print ads are a dying breed, Statistica suggests print advertising is alive and well.  Advertisers are slated to spend  over 24 billion in print ads in 2019 alone. This represents close to 10% of the total advertising dollars for the same year.

According to a recent survey, consumers trust print advertising more than radio advertising, online ads, and social media.

That is why advertisers are putting more money into print ads even though they get less exposure that digital advertisements.

Thinking of spreading your advertising budget into the world of print advertising? It may be a wise decision that will increase your credibility and revenue.

What Is Print Advertising?

Print advertising is an area all copywriters should be familiar with, if not master, especially if they want to receive a share of the 24 billion spent each year in this undervalued venue.

Simply put, print ads are advertisements in physical printing venues like magazines and newspapers.

Print ads are designed to accomplish one of four basic goals:

      1. increase product awareness
      2. build your brand
      3. generate leads
      4. and increase revenue through product sales

How to Write a Good Print Ad

According to The Copywriter’s Handbook, there are nine basic elements to any good advertisement, including print ads. Here is a summary:

      1. Good Print Ads Have A Compelling Headline
      2. Visual Illustrations Demonstrate A Benefit
      3. The Lead Expands the Theme
      4. An Enticing Layout Carries the Reader Deeper
      5. The Body Follows A Logical Sequence
      6. The Copy Convinces the Reader Toward the Goal
      7. Interesting Copy Keeps the Readers Attention
      8. The Information Is Believable and Truthful
      9. The Ad Calls the Consumer to Action

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